Where do new students register?

Please visit our Registration page for more information.
What is the name and phone number of the bus company?

First Student | 815.624.0294
How do I know what bus my child will ride, where the pick-up point is, and what time they will be picked up?

Please contact First Student for this information 815.624.0294
What is the first and last day of Student attendance?

First Day: August 17th, 2023
Last Day: May 22rd, 2024 (without emergancy days)
What is the starting time and dismissal time for each school?

Rockton Grade : 7:45 a.m. – 2:35 p.m.

Whitman Post : 7:45 a.m. – 2:35 p.m.

Stephen Mack : 7:42 a.m. – 2:35 p.m.
What does hot lunch cost?

The district uses the debit system for hot lunch. Parents deposit money into their child's account and the child uses his/her account number to purchase lunches.

Hot lunch costs  $2.70  and milk is  $.30.  View lunch menus HERE.
What time does lunch begin?

Please visit our Lunch menu page for more information.
What do I do if I need to pick my child up early for an appointment?

Send a note with the student indicating the date and time the student needs to be picked up. Come into the school office and sign the student out. If the student is returning to school the same day, the student must check back in with the school office before going to class.
How do I know if school is being dismissed due to weather conditions?

Please visit our Closing Procedures page for more information.
What do I do if my child is going to be absent from school?

Call your child’s absence into the school office after 7:30 a.m. but prior to 9:00 a.m. If you know ahead of time that your child will be out of school on a specific date, please notify the office in advance.
When do I register my child for Kindergarten?

Please visit our Registration page for more information.